Thursday, April 11, 2013

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally United Nations Children’s Fund Being that my challenge focuses on the inequitable teaching of minorities in the field of early childhood and its affect on literacy development, the United Nations Children’s Fund encompasses what we, Westerners, view as minorities. Thus, the United Nations Children’s Fund speaks to the heart of those students who may receive less than favorable early care in the area of literacy and beyond. Navigating the website, I don’t view any job openings but I do see criteria made readily available for ‘Programme and Policy’, ‘External Relations’, ‘Emergency’, and ‘Operations’. More specifically, to obtain a job in the area of Programme and Policy in the subarea of education, I would have to developed in the areas of Programme implementation and ensure effectiveness of educational goals and objectives. The key aspects of this job include: Girls, Education, Education in emergency and conflict situations, and early childhood development (UNICEF, 2013). Save the Children This organizations’ vision is protect and nourish the survival of children across the globe. Their ‘Power and Promise of Education’ moved me, in that; this organization is ensuring that children across the globe receive rich and quality education, despite their uncontrollable shortcomings and ethnic derivation. Whilst, I did not discover any job opportunities, I did gain a chance to read up on some advocacy prospects. To be an advocate for children and to progress my professional challenge of equity in early education, Save the Children advises, sign up for an Enewsletter, take action on current issues affecting children, read about aid effectiveness, develop a deeper understanding of advocacy (Save the Children, 2013). International Early Childhood Education ICF works towards quality enhancement of early childhood programs in India. This outlet would be great in obtaining a deeper understanding of what it truly means to find equity in the field of early childhood education. ICF is looking for passionate and committed individuals to join the cause. While I see no requirements for a specific job, ICF declares that an IFC employee will learn and grow and needs to possess a mission of readiness, be able to generate positive outcomes, and discover ways in which management and leadership skills can be utilized to the fullest. References United Nations Children's Fund. (2013, April 11). What we do, employment opportunities. Retrieved from Save the Children. Who we are, what we do, where we work, take action. (2013, April 11). Retrieved from ICF International. (2013, April 11). Education, professional development. Retrieved from


  1. Hi Janielle,
    Your post touches my passion. It seems as though the places you choose are hard at work to give all children a good education regardless of where they live or how much money their parents make. This is my challenge and I feel that it can be done if we divide our local resources equally and if our government makes sure that no child is forgotten about just because of the area they live in.

  2. Hi Janielle,

    I also chose Save the Children organization; they are really dedicated to helping young children. I also chose UNICEF, they are also dedicated to working to quality education for young children.
