Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Research that Benefits Children and Families—Uplifting Stories

Option 2:
Imagine that you possess the means and the knowledge to conduct research studies about any topic in the early childhood field. Imagine further that you are not restricted by the reality of the present. Imagine that your study will make a major positive contribution to the well-being of children and/or their families. What topic would you choose? What can you imagine the positive contribution(s) would be?

I believe that I would conduct my research on the topic that I have chosen for this research class, Diversity. I would conduct my research by utilizing the subtopic: Diversity and it relates to literature and media representation. First, I would poll students with parental consent and enclose them in a play therapy session, where researchers can see the students yet, the students cannot see the researchers. I would provide various literature, toys and media representations for the children. I would then see which diverse toy, video the children are more apt to choose. I would then follow this research by having a therapist or developmentalist ask them questions about media and literature that represented different culture. In addition, I would ask the children what they thought or have experienced about the different cultures...This would be the 'gist' of my research, absent of all formatities and knowledge containing formal research!


  1. Diversity is a topic that we often try to stay away from but it is one that we all need to discuss. Putting all of our own personal feelings aside we need to learn how to embrace and talk to each other. Great topic.

  2. Hi Janille...diversity is a good topic to discuss. It is the one topic everyone shies away from but yet everyone experiences it and most are afraid to talk about it. I think something important to stress when it comes to diversity is character counts.

  3. Oh that study sounds like fun. I think it woudl be interesting to see which cultures play with what toys or how they respond to certain shows in the media. I think it would be interesting to see how children from a hispanic background would respond to shows like Dora and Go Diego Go. Have fun with this topic I'm interested in hearing more.

  4. Janelle,

    This is my first time reviewing your website and I am impressed with what I am reading, so great job! I really enjoyed reading about your research topic Diversity, because this is a huge topic that definitely needs to be discussed especially in the field of early childhood. I am actually an approved trainer and I teach courses to early childhood educators in the area of diversity, so I definitely know the importance of this topic. I am hoping that as you progress in the research of this topic that you will post the findings on your blog. I am quite interested in knowing what outcomes your research will bring in terms of resources and support in this area. I see that you have not yet posted the website that you have researched this week. If I may make a suggestion I would recommend reviewing the website of Early Childhood Australia, they have some awesome resources!

    Alice Jones
