Monday, November 7, 2011

Relationship Reflection

"Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you. They are not perfect but are always perfect for you." ~ Relationship Quotes ~ Unknown

(My husband, Derrick Sr. and my son, Derrick Jr.)
My Husband, Derrick-My husband is a very special person to me. We have a unique relationships, we work live and parent together. We currently work at the same school, in the same grade. So, in all aspects, he is my ultimate partner. Recently, God has called us to progress further in the special gifts he has given us. He has called us both to leaderships positions. My husband has been called to Pastor, through his gifts of teaching and counseling. I have also been given the charge to begin work on facilitating and owning my own Christian Early Childhood Center. OUR hope and PRAYER is to continue on the road to partnership and combine the church and school together. He and I encourage each other and support each other to the fullest! Although, there are some times when personal/business relationships may intertwine but we continue to remind each other of the goals we are pressing towards. Overall, my husband is my best friend, there's no one else in the world I would ever think of taking this journey with.

My coworkers: I value the partnerships that I have with the teachers I work with! We not only value each other's professional opinions but we care about one another, personally. Our families fellowship together and we are able to lift one another up, because of the general compassion we have for one another. It's so refreshing to know that they are not only my friends and partners, professionally,but they are my sisters in Christ. During our lunch time, we have been known to pray for each other and conduct 'mini bible studies'. We make sure that we have fun teaching, and pride ourselves in being able to make each other laugh. I love these ladies very much and wish them nothing but the best in their future endeavours.


  1. Janille, I love that quote! Your son is adorable. It is wonderful that you and your husband can work so well and so often together!

  2. Janille,

    I absolutely love your post. It is beautiful see a true family system that has prospered mentally, physically and spiritually. You are very blessed and it shows that God is at the center of your family core. I admire your strength and wish you and your family the best of blessing and success.
