Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Personal Childhood Web

My Personal Childhood Web

My mother, Cheryl:  I would describe my mother as being a “sure constant” in my life. She and I have a bond like no other. She has supported me since I was a young child. At a young age, she taught me the meaning of being a good listener and she counseled me on how to give and take advice. She was a tough parent and she attributed all discipline to love. She was a working mom and taught my sister and I the value of responsibility. I can remember as a child, her teaching us how to count the change the cashier would owe us after making a purchase. She instilled with in us the importance of education. She never missed a PTA meeting nor a parent/teacher conference. She said what she meant and meant what she said. Her guidance in my life provided me with structure.

My sister, Camille: My sister and I were destined to become close because we were born only fourteen months apart. I can attribute a lot of my knowledge to her. She was always a grade above me in school and she would share her experiences with me as a child. For example, she would let me know which teacher and students to trust and what to prepare for in the next grade or school. We spent almost every waking moment together, until she went to college. Even when we were miles away from each other in college and later in life, we still MADE time to spend together. We have seen each other change so much! She was there for me when got married and never left my side at the birth of my son. Camille is a social butterfly, she never meets a stranger. She has made me become more personal in life. Camille and I are literally inseparable. I can attribute my strong-willed personality and my love of life to her!

My Grandmother, Claudia “Granny”: I would call myself, blessed to be born and raised in the accompaniment of ALL of my grandparents. However, some grandparents were more instrumental than others in my life. Whenever I think about my paternal grandmother, Granny, I began to become overwhelmed with emotion. She was a huge influence in my life. Her home was my home away from home, when my parents were working. She was our secondary caregiver (next to my parents) from 3 years of age. My grandmother is the epitome of a Proverbs 31 woman. She not only cared for my sister and I, she also cared for other children in the family and neighborhood and her elderly mother. When she spoke, she spoke wisdom. She was most instrumental in my spiritual life. She was a praying woman and she was and is rooted in the Word of God. She not spoke about being a Christian she lived a life to show it. She taught me how to pray and how to seek God’s face in the midst of adversity. When my sister and I started school she would make herself acquainted with all school personnel and staff. She also immersed herself in our family church. She even got us and many other children involved in a Youth Choir she started. This choir that she was given the vision to do helped me discover my gift for singing. So, I can go on and on about my “granny”. She is alive and well to this day at the ripe age of “92”. She is still spilling wisdom and now my son has the opportunity the experience the blessing of “granny”

My grandmother Alena “Mama Lene”: Mama Lene was and is my maternal grandmother. If I had one word describe her it would be “fierce”. She was rough around the edges but she meant well. Mama Lene was a very head-strong person. She was cut, dry and to the point. She taught my sister and I not settle and to gain self respect and dignity. One way she showed her love is through food. Mama Lene was an excellent baker and cook. Whenever we visited her we knew that she would impart some lovin’ in our tummy. I attribute my no nonsense demeanor to Mama Lene. She challenged my sister and I to set high, obtainable goals. She also taught us to never give up and to always take care of ourselves. Mama Lene is the kind of woman that knows what she wants and is not afraid to say it, intimidation is not in her character.

My grandfather, Milton “Papa”: Papa is my maternal grandfather and education is his motto. Papa felt so strong about making educational important to us because he never took advantage of it in his life. Papa is one of the most hard-working individuals I know, when he retired from a being a truck driver in 1989, he had taken less than 10 sick days in the 40 + years of him working. He surely, wanted a different path for his children and grandchildren. I can vividly remember what he always says about fixing things or figuring something out that me be challenging, his answer always is, “Can you read?” This seems so easily dismissive but it’s true. If you can read you can do anything! My grandfather was so serious about my sister and I getting an education that he purchased a car for my sister to get to and from campus after my parents got divorced. At the time, we were struggling with paying housing fees and tuition and the expenses that came with getting a divorce. I appreciate the benevolence of my grandfather; he truly believes that it’s more blessed to give that to receive. My papa has taught me how to strive, give and gain as much knowledge as possible.


  1. Hi Janille,

    I enjoyed reading your post. It really hit home when you started talking about your grandparents. You must’ve been truly blessed to have been raised around a lot of wisdom. There is nothing like having your grandparents involved in your life. I guess the saying is true, “The More the Merrier.”

  2. My grandma's home was also my second home while my mother worked. I think it is wonderful that your granny is still alive and well and that your son can also experience her wisdom.
