Thursday, April 18, 2013

Time Well Spent

Time Well Spent THREE DEEPLY FELT LEARNINGS: 1. Passion: The utilization of your passion. The beginnings of my time at Walden were marked with discovering and refining my passion. Now I have come full circle and have seen my passion being put into action. Amazing to say the least. 2. Collaboration: Collaboration has been a constant during my time at Walden. The communication and collectivity between my colleagues and myself have been priceless. Not only do we share in our passions, we also have some similarities in our personal lives. Advice on how to balance professionalism and personal attributes have been evident in our discussions, blogging, and e-mailing. 3. Self-Reflection: Each course allowed me the ability to self-reflect ensuring that I am steadily concerning myself with the overall nurturance and well-being of children and families. This is a strong character trait that will be valuable in the area of leadership. Thanks Walden for imparting the wisdom of self-reflection. To conclude, I want to share a very inspirational bible verse that has significance in birthing my gift for children and leadership. I would like to leave you with an excerpt from that foundational verse: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[a] 5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates” (New International Version, n.d.). References Bible Gateway. (2013, April 18). Passage lookup. Retrieved from

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally United Nations Children’s Fund Being that my challenge focuses on the inequitable teaching of minorities in the field of early childhood and its affect on literacy development, the United Nations Children’s Fund encompasses what we, Westerners, view as minorities. Thus, the United Nations Children’s Fund speaks to the heart of those students who may receive less than favorable early care in the area of literacy and beyond. Navigating the website, I don’t view any job openings but I do see criteria made readily available for ‘Programme and Policy’, ‘External Relations’, ‘Emergency’, and ‘Operations’. More specifically, to obtain a job in the area of Programme and Policy in the subarea of education, I would have to developed in the areas of Programme implementation and ensure effectiveness of educational goals and objectives. The key aspects of this job include: Girls, Education, Education in emergency and conflict situations, and early childhood development (UNICEF, 2013). Save the Children This organizations’ vision is protect and nourish the survival of children across the globe. Their ‘Power and Promise of Education’ moved me, in that; this organization is ensuring that children across the globe receive rich and quality education, despite their uncontrollable shortcomings and ethnic derivation. Whilst, I did not discover any job opportunities, I did gain a chance to read up on some advocacy prospects. To be an advocate for children and to progress my professional challenge of equity in early education, Save the Children advises, sign up for an Enewsletter, take action on current issues affecting children, read about aid effectiveness, develop a deeper understanding of advocacy (Save the Children, 2013). International Early Childhood Education ICF works towards quality enhancement of early childhood programs in India. This outlet would be great in obtaining a deeper understanding of what it truly means to find equity in the field of early childhood education. ICF is looking for passionate and committed individuals to join the cause. While I see no requirements for a specific job, ICF declares that an IFC employee will learn and grow and needs to possess a mission of readiness, be able to generate positive outcomes, and discover ways in which management and leadership skills can be utilized to the fullest. References United Nations Children's Fund. (2013, April 11). What we do, employment opportunities. Retrieved from Save the Children. Who we are, what we do, where we work, take action. (2013, April 11). Retrieved from ICF International. (2013, April 11). Education, professional development. Retrieved from

Monday, March 25, 2013


Children’s Defense Fund The mission of the Children’s Defense Fund is to guarantee every child receives a fair and healthy start. My job would be to ensure that children are successful as they develop into adulthood. There are a total of six open jobs at the Children’s Defense Fund. One job I explored in particular was a Policy Associate in the field of Education. The qualifications for this job is at least a bachelor’s degree, a familiarity with national education policy, superb research skills, a willingness to collaborate, the ability to take initiative, and be committed to social justice and improving the quality of children and their families (Children’s Defense Fund, 2013, n.p.). Zero to Three Zero to Three, a national center for infants, toddlers, and families is an agency that values early experiences. The quality of care they provide, free of biases, definitely appealed to me. The various areas of expertise they offer coincide with my challenge to ensure all children, regardless of their ethnic background, develop skills essential to life achievement. A policy analyst job is available for the taking and the qualifications for such include: the knowledge of early care policy, procedures, and programs, experience in the area of infant/toddler development, family care, and early intervention, a minimum of five years experience in the field of educative care, strong interpersonal skills, and the ability to travel. One of the qualifications I will have to gain in order to be prepared for this occupation is my knowledge of California law and policy. Voices for America’s Children Voices for America’s Children is an organization that truly spoke to the heart of my passion. Their Six Policy Goals to Advance their vision and agenda gained my attention, as they included the virtues of equity and diversity. Their goal is to ensure that children reach their full potential and that this quality of care opens the gap of opportunity and recognizes the value of diversity (Voices for America’s Children, 2013). While navigating the site, I discovered a job, as a program officer was available. The program in which I will direct is the Children’s Anti-Poverty program. The knowledge, skills, and qualifications for this employment is a minimum of five years in a professional development program, experience analyzing organizations strengths and weaknesses, demonstrate the ability to work as a team, be able to handle confidential information, expertise working Microsoft Office, excellent analytic writing skills, and many other proficient abilities I already possess. References Children's Defense Fund. (2011). Retrieved from Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. (2011). Retrieved from Voices for America's Children. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

My overall goal and destination for my passion is to own and successfully operate my own Christian Early Childhood Academy. BJU Press has included some very explicit instructions and operative outlines to follow that will enable this dream of mine to come true. A good foundation: prayer, planning, and preparation One year before opening: conduct research, make a bibliography, establish a written philosophy, decide it the school is going to be church-ran, or school board-ran, visit several Christian schools, collect copies of handbooks, manuals, and procedures Eight to ten months before: prepare tentative budget, project number of students/staff and tuition/salaries, budget start up costs, appoint a financial expert, raise funds, search for qualified: staff and teachers, market your school, prepare facility Four months before: work up a tentative school year calendar, order curriculum and texts, order supplies for entire school One to two months: Advertise, put an add in local paper, work on schedule of classes, use outside resources for workshops, conduct a week or two of inservice meetings, hold a get-acquainted night. bju press. (2013, March 8). Home, Christian schools. Retrieved from Texans Care for Children This organizations vision is to provide a better future for children in the state of Texas. They focus their educative services to children from ages 0-adulthood. My charge is to ensure I am educated on how to nourish a child at the specific pivotal stage in their lives. I also need to stay abreast of the laws and policies that protect children and families. Additionally, mental health and overall healthcare of children is a focus I need to keep at the center of my focus. Texans Care for Children. (2013, March 8). Who are we, priorities. Retrieved from: St. Phillips is a local school I have attended and been closely associated with since I was a child. This school is the epitome of what a Christian early childhood academy should be. Exploring their website, the headmaster and principal pride their school on faith being in the future of the children that attend St. Phillips. Their focus is to enhance the lives of all students regardless of race or creed. As a prospective educator or administrator I must embrace children of all backgrounds and SES status. The qualifications of one who is worthy to be associated with St. Phillips must ensure they lead a life of example and displays actions governed by the Word of God. St. Phillips School and Community Center. (2013, March 8). Home, about us, academics, outreach, parents. Retrieved from:

Friday, March 8, 2013

Passion to Action

I embarked upon this journey at Walden embracing my destiny and the gift that God endowed me with. Hence, the first two words included in my Wordle are DESTINY and GIFTEDNESS. Owning this divine appointment provided me with DIRECTION and this direction has led to rely heavily upon the collectivity of my friends, family, professors, and colleagues. COLLABORATION via discussion posts, blogs, and e-mail has given me a sense of comradery, realizing that others, like myself, are seeking to be ENLIGHTENED by this route of study. The various courses I have taken at Walden has educated me on the lack of EQUITY in the field of early childhood education. This embodiment of equality fueled a sense of ADVOCACY within, expanding and deepening my knowledge of the needs of children and families. This newfound learning prompted GROWTH in me both personally and professionally. The results of these passionate realizations and actions will be REWARDING for me, in that; I am fulfilling God's plan for my life, while simultaneously using this power and discernment to impact and illuminate others. In all, this experience has been valuable for me. It has shed much light on the way in which I was reared and how this upbringing influences my future in early childhood studies (Laureate University, 2013). The challenges I have faces along the way are apart of the commitment Louise Derman-Sparks speaks of in this weeks' multimedia presentation. The field of early childhood education and its anti-bias approach aids us in renewing and reclaiming our passion making way for a more just world (Laureate University, 2013). References My Wordle title="Wordle: Janille's Wordle"> alt="Wordle: Janille's Wordle" style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd"> Feinberg, J. (2011). Wordle. Create, advanced, gallery. Retrieved from Laureate University. (Producer). (2013, March 6). Merging, vision, passion, practice. [multimedia presentation]. Minneapolis, MN: Laureate, University.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Thank You

Thank You! I really appreciate you, Your helpful, giving ways, And how your generous heart Your unselfishness displays. I thank you for your kindness, I will not soon forget; You’re one of the nicest people I have ever met. By Joanna Fuchs *I wish EVERYONE nothing but the best and pray that you progress greatly in the field of EC development. Janille

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


The ‘Adjourning’ part of Five Stages of Team Development proves to be a time for reflection. This process and experience of this Master’s degree program has taught me the importance of reflection and self-evaluation. Being a part of a group that’s organized and goal oriented has its benefits, in that, you gain a chance to adjourn clear of confusion and personal hang-ups. Nonetheless, whether the group worked effectively together or not there is always room for improvement and assessment. Abudi (2010), provides some excellent points to evaluate the effectiveness of your team. The assorted criteria provided to evaluate your groups’ effectiveness include, “clear communication among all members, regular brainstorming sessions with all members participating, problem solving done by the group...” (Abudi, 2010, .n.p). Personally, I have experienced all types of ‘Adjourning” sessions, some positive some not, but all have proved beneficial for my own reflective process. Additionally, in these times I have gained a chance to critique myself and make better my contribution to the team. Professionally, it will be difficult to say goodbye to my Walden team, I have learned so much through collaboration and discussion. Nevertheless, I will take these experiences and grow from weaknesses and celebrate strengths. Abudi, G. (2010). The five stages of team development: A case study. Retrieved from