National Black Childhood Development website
*Particularly relevant information:
While exploring the National Black Childhood Development website, I found the 'news' tab to be the most insightful. Under the 'news' tab there was an article featured by the name of, "Let's Move: Child Care State Challenge", one way to promote healthy childhood development is to ensure that exercise and healthy eating is a part of the lives of families and children. Currently, at my school we are promoting an initiative by the name of "Junk the Junk food" this article helped me to provide children and families with facts that coincide with the program.
*Controversial Issue:
While I did not find any specific controversial issues, I did find it peculiar that it was hard to find information on how to become involved, locally. One of the suggestions I may later post to the site is to include a variety of local community/neighborhood activities that our society can become involved in.
*Economists, Politicians, Neuroscientists information:
While exploring the site I began to recognize how much financial support is available for early childhood programs and initiatives. I mentioned above the NBCD's effort to bring awareness to Healthy habits. Well, the NBCD gained financial support from Sam's Club/Walmart in the amount of $300,00 to support this initiative. I can definitely learn much of these tips on gaining support and resources to support a great cause.
*New insights and trends:
As we all know, February is Black History Month, although, I know the names of many African Americans that lent a hand in building this country, I began to read upon the people and bios that I have yet to hear of. For example, I learned of, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams who founded Providence Hospital in Chicago in the year of 1889.
National Black Child Development Institute. (2012, January 14). Mission , publications, history, initiatives, news, affiliates. Retrieved from